write with us
write with us
We’re excited to meet you.
The Poets Den is a writing group, but at the heart of this community is a passion for creativity in all forms. When was the last time you set aside space to free write? When was the last time you had a thoughtful conversation about the themes which weave in and out of our human experience? Whether you join as a writer, listener, deep thinker, reader, or all the above—we’re excited to meet you.
Prior to joining this free group, please familiarize yourself with our community agreements listed below.
Community Agreements
We practice listening just as much as we share and contribute. This group doesn’t work if one person dominates the conversation, end of story. We keep ourselves in check.
We come together to enjoy conscious connection. It is our intention to welcome everyone into the group with warmth and kindness.
Creativity is boundless. In this group, we don’t care about skill level, though we certainly admire craft. We aren’t pretentious.
If we’ve been offended, we communicate from a space of empowerment. Friction is a healthy part of relationship, and we navigate it with resolution in our hearts.
We all come from different experiences. So long as no harm is being done, every experience is valid.
We come to group as we are. There’s no need to make a mood or wear a mask. We welcome others as they are.